Getting Started with Kanvas

Busines Model Kanvas in Wowzers.

Kanvas, derived from the word Canvas, is a growing collection of strategic management templates which provides structure to your decision making process, helping you plan, explore and scrutinise ideas, business plans or strategy prior to implementation, and communicate learnings with your team(s).

Fill out your first Kanvas.

Every Kanvas is designed to be self-service. That is, you will find help and guidance throughout the tool, and in many cases, a wizard to guide you step by step through the process. For example, in our Business Model Kanvas, not only is there a wizard and concise descriptions for each module, but trigger questions to focus the mind, and multiple-choice answers, again with descriptions, so you can make an informed decision as to what to answer. As such, Getting started with Kanvas is as simple as selecting a Kanvas template and clicking “Start Here” where indicated.

What Kanvas templates are available?

The following templates are currently available in Kanvas:

Business Model Kanvas.

Provides an overview a company’s inner workings, including it’s customers, offerings, revenue streams and how they combine to generate money and deliver value.

What Kanvas templates are on the roadmap?

The following templates are currently on the roadmap.

  • Lean Kanvas.
  • Value Proposition Kanvas.
  • OKR Canvas.

Have any ideas for future Kanvases? Let us know by emailing