Roles & Permissions

Every growthspace member has a role, and each role has different permissions. There are three roles in Wowzers: Growthspace Owner, Growth Master and Team Member. In this article, we explore these three roles, their similarities, differences and how they help you execute your growth strategy from ideate to archive.

Growthspace Owner.

The Growthspace Owner is the individual responsible for the workspace. Growthspace Owners can…

Action Permission
Create growthspaces
Edit growthspaces
Add users to a growthspace
Invite users to a growthspace
Remove users from a growthspace
Delete growthspaces
Create Workflow boards
Edit Workflow boards
Add users to a Workflow board
Remove users from a Workflow board
Delete Workflow boards
Create cards
Edit cards
Add users to a card
Invite users to a card
Remove users from a card
Delete cards
Create categories
Edit categories


You can be both a Growthspace Owner and a Team Member, but never in the same growthspace. Only the Growthspace Owner has the authority to add or remove Team Members from their growthspace.

Growth Master.

Appointed by the Growthspace Owner, Growth Masters serve as growthspace administrators.

Action Permission
Create growthspaces X
Edit growthspaces
Add users to a growthspace
Invite users to a growthspace
Remove users from a growthspace
Delete growthspaces X
Create Workflow boards
Edit Workflow boards
Add users to a Workflow board
Remove users from a Workflow board
Delete Workflow boards
Create cards
Edit cards
Add users to a card
Invite users to a card
Remove users from a card
Delete cards
Create categories
Edit categories


Workspaces can have multiple Growth Masters.

Team Member.

Team Members are invited to participate in a growthspace by the Growthspace Owner. They do not have administrative rights to the workspace but can access all tools and edit cards. A Team Member can create their own growthspace too, for which they will become the Growthspace Owner. Team Members can…

Action Permission
Create growthspaces X
Edit growthspaces X
Add users to a growthspace X
Invite users to a growthspace X
Remove users from a growthspace X
Delete growthspaces X
Create Workflow boards X
Edit Workflow boards X
Add users to a Workflow board X
Remove users from a Workflow board X
Delete Workflow boards X
Create cards
Edit cards
Add users to a card
Invite users to a card X
Remove users from a card
Delete cards
Create categories
Edit categories


Card ownership can be assigned to other Team Members so that you can create cards on their behalf.