
Hypothesis block

Establish what you intend to test, why you intend to test it and what you predict the outcome of the experiment to be based on your current knowledge with the Hypothesis block.

How to add a hypothesis.

To add a hypothesis, follow these steps:

  1. Open an experiment card. Not an experiment card? Switch card types.
  2. Navigate to the hypothesis block. Can’t see it? Add a block.
  3. Click on the hypothesis block and enter your hypothesis in the fields provided.

The field(s) will autosave.

How to edit a hypothesis.

To edit a hypothesis, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the hypothesis block.
  2. Click on the hypothesis block and make your desired changes.

The field(s) will autosave.

How to delete a hypothesis.

To delete a hypothesis, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the hypothesis block.
  2. Erase all text, reset date pickers and set drop-down fields to ‘-‘.


To remove the hypothesis block, click the ‘Close (x)’ button in the top RHS of the block.