Add or Remove Blocks

Adding a block to a card

Customise cards by adding or removing blocks.

Blocks come in many shapes and forms. They add functionality to cards, helping you customise your workflow.

Not all blocks are compatible with all cards. Click here for a list of blocks and compatible cards. Some blocks load by default, while others are added manually. With the exception of the Description block, all blocks are removable.

How to add a block.

To add a block, follow these steps:

  1. Click the ‘Add/Remove Blocks’ icon in the card header.
  2. Locate the block you wish to add in the block panel.
  3. Click the ‘Add Block’ button.

The block will appear on the card. You can now close the ‘Add Card Block’ panel.

How to remove a block.

There are two ways to remove a block from a card:

Method 1: Close (x) button.

To remove a block from a card, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the block.
  2. Click the ‘Close (x)’ button in the top RHS of the block.

The block will be removed from the card.

Method 2: ‘Add/Remove Blocks’ panel.

To remove a block from a card, follow these steps:

  1. Click the ‘Add/Remove Blocks’ icon in the card header.
  2. Locate the block you wish to remove in the block panel.
  3. Click the ‘Remove Block’ button.

The block will be removed from the card. You can now close the ‘Add Card Block’ panel.