Flag a Card

Add a Flag to a Card

Add a flag to a card to bring it to the attention of other team members in a board.

How to flag a card.

To flag a card, follow these steps:

  1. Click on a card to open it.
  2. Click the ‘Card Options’ icon in the card header.
  3. Select ‘Flag Card from the drop-down menu.

A red flag icon will appear in the card header and on the card container. The card container will highlight purple.

How to unflag a card.

To unflag a card, follow these steps:

  1. Click on a card to open it.
  2. Click the ‘Card Options’ icon in the card header.
  3. Select ‘Flag Card from the drop-down menu.

The red flag icon will disappear in the card header and on the card container. The card container will no longer be highlighted purple.