Set Card Due Date

Set a date for when a card is “due”. The ‘Card Due Date’ field changes colour as the due date approaches:

Colour Description
Red Cards due today.
Overdue cards.
Orange Cards due < 3 days.
Grey Cards due > 3 days.


Cards due < 14 days appear on the ‘Due Cards’ tab, Action board.

How to set or edit a card due date.

To set or edit a card due date, follow these steps:

  1. Click on a Workflow card to open it.
  2. Click the ‘Card Due Date’ field.
  3. Select the date using the date picker.

The card due date will display in the card and on the card container.

How to reset a card due date.

To reset a due date on a card, follow these steps:

  1. Click on a Workflow card to open it.
  2. Click the ‘Card Due Date’ field.
  3. Click ‘Reset’ at the bottom of the date picker.

The card due date will be removed in the card and on the card container.