Move a Card

Move cards button on the board control panel.

Easily move cards between Workflow boards.

How to move a card.

There are two ways to move a card:

Method 1:  Board toolbar.

To move a card, follow these steps:

  1. Select the card(s) you wish to move by holding down the shift key and right-clicking on the card(s).
  2. Click the ‘Move Cards’ icon in the board toolbar.
  3. Select ‘Move to [Board Name]’ from the drop-down menu.

The card(s) will move to the new board or tab.

Method 2: Card menu.

To move a card, follow these steps:

  1. Click on a card to open it.
  2. Click the ‘Card Options’ icon in the card header.
  3. Select ‘Move to [Board Name]’ from the drop-down menu.

Wowzers will refresh, opening the board/tab the card was moved to.